Darling, our first preview is so close, I can almost taste it! I know you're going to fall in love with all our troubadours; each and every one amazing! Out of our cast of 6, five of us play multiple parts on stage! (Which one of us doesn't? Dearest, if you have to ask, you really don't know me! You see, once you've reached MY status, no one expects to see you as anything other than yourself- which is why I'm focusing on what I do best!) To that, I sent my stalwart producer (no; not Marvin. Some upstart, trying to make a name for himself. Tom something) to take some photos of our artwork. Obviously, his skill set is NOT in "capturing the moment", but he's so eager to please, I still had to post his photos. So, don't judge the show based on his imagery; instead, come see and hear the imagery presented by all my trained colleagues! Tickets are linked somewhere below, darling!

Can you even SEE the poster? This is almost a "Where's Waldo?" moment. Whomever Waldo is. (I'm certain he's very nice. I mean, why else would all these people be searching for him?)

Well, you can almost make us out here, in this "two-shot" with our neighboring show, WHITE ROSE. Why not come to Theatre Row some Saturday, and make it a DOUBLE FEATURE? I think that would be marvelous!

Well, our little Tom did better when he didn't have to fight the elements. Or the dark. Here is the front of our house ("FOH" they call it, in the biz.) They must have known we were coming- the color scheme is almost an exact match! That's all from me for now! Time to start applying the greasepaint, darling! See you on the rialto!

February 16 – March 16, 2024
Tuesdays through Thursdays at 7 pm; Fridays at 8 pm; Saturdays at 2 pm and 8 pm; Sundays at 3 pm. Additional Matinee: Wednesday, March 13th at 2 pm.