Category: Uncategorized

  • Our last shows…

    Well, darling, I don’t know how it got here so quickly, but it’s our last 2 shows today… And while Grumpy Cat may be upset he never got to see us in New York, YOU still can get to Theatre Row in the next 10 hours, can’t you? I knew you could! And while Grumpy…

  • A good time? Guaranteed!

    Darlings, you know how proud I am of all my costars- they are all deserving of all the praise and accolades they get! And this wonderful script? I haven’t had such a good time reciting lines in years! DEADLY STAGES has truly been a dream experience for so many! Which is why I’m excited to…

  • Drop Everything? But of course, darling!

    Believe it or not, it’s not always about ME, dears! There is an enormous team making sure I am brilliant, night after night. And for that, I am grateful, every day. But among those who help DEADLY STAGES achieve it’s accolades is one young man, Jonas Cohen. He understudies all the “Pants” roles in our…

  • What? Me brag? I don’t need to!

    Hello, all! I’ve had quite the time- intending to get to this keyboard, to update you on all things DEADLY, but a little event got in the way- Our OPENING! It was a grand night for all- cast, crew, creatives and colleagues! Since then, others have taken to talking about us- and largely saying glorious…

  • It’s the day of TodayTix, y’all!

    Well, darlings, I’m beyond excited today! Not only is it our first preview, but`I just learned that TODAYTIX has taken us on- both with a discounted ticket price, but also with a DAILY RUSH PROGRAM! Who doesn’t appreciate a discount? I certainly do! So if you go to the link below, you can get great…

  • It’s getting close!

    Darling, our first preview is so close, I can almost taste it! I know you’re going to fall in love with all our troubadours; each and every one amazing! Out of our cast of 6, five of us play multiple parts on stage! (Which one of us doesn’t? Dearest, if you have to ask, you…

  • Behind the scenes!

    It’s such a beautiful day, darling- I thought I’d post something mere mortals like yourself rarely see… a few shots from BEHIND THE SCENES! When YOU arrive at Theatre Row, you come in on 42nd Street, so this is where you enter… But when we thespians arrive, we need to maintain the illusion, so you…

  • Poster? I don’t even know her!

    I agree, darling- that tired old line is beneath me! But Jordan, my “editor” (and I use that term loosely), suggested I attempt to put more humor into my posts… So now I’m taking advice from a 20-something… As if someone still wet behind the ears should be advising a woman old enough to be…

  • Ready to guess?

    Dearest, it seems as we rehearse, we are starting to use what they call “props” in the biz. A “prop” is something that looks like a real item, but might not be! But the more “props” we have in the show, the better we can create the “illusion of reality”- Yet another theatrical term! And…

  • Take a look!

    Loves, they say a picture is worth a thousand words- well, when it come to my castmates, I’d say they’re worth MILLIONS!!! Don’t believe me? Take a look for yourself! And then, plan on seeing them in person! Tickets are available below! Now, darling, I think I can trust you with a secret: They don’t…