Darlings, you know how proud I am of all my costars- they are all deserving of all the praise and accolades they get! And this wonderful script? I haven't had such a good time reciting lines in years! DEADLY STAGES has truly been a dream experience for so many! Which is why I'm excited to tell you about our generous offering to see our little pageant: For all of our remaining 7 pm performances, you are GUARANTEED a good time, or your money back! Yes, you heard me right- If you honestly don't have a good time, find our producer after the show, and he'll make it right! Now, the producer I am referring to is Tom, not Marvin. While Marvin is thrilled that you're coming, he's not one to care what the audience thinks. But Tom knows how good our show is, and is ready to back up that claim. Just find him in the lobby, if you truly had a bad time. But I doubt you will! We on stage are having the time of our lives; that joy can only extend to the seats out there in the dark! So, how do you buy those guaranteed tickets? Those along with all our other performances, are listed for sale below!

Download the app for the best ticket prices around! Daily rush starts at 9 am!

Tuesdays through Thursdays at 7 pm; Fridays at 8 pm; Saturdays at 2 pm and 8 pm; Sundays at 3 pm. Additional Matinee: Wednesday, March 13th at 2 pm.
