I agree, darling- that tired old line is beneath me! But Jordan, my "editor" (and I use that term loosely), suggested I attempt to put more humor into my posts... So now I'm taking advice from a 20-something... As if someone still wet behind the ears should be advising a woman old enough to be their... older sister! But I digress... It seems our brilliant Stephen Webster has created the most perfect poster for our little romp in front of the footlights! If this doesn't make you want to buy tickets, I don't know what will! Speaking of which, the link for buying tickets is just below. (How was that, Jordan? Did I segue into the sales pitch gracefully? You're welcome, dear.)

Somehow, my name was left off, but as they say, a picture's worth, darling... See you at Theatre Row before you know it!

February 16 – March 16, 2024
Tuesdays through Thursdays at 7 pm; Fridays at 8 pm; Saturdays at 2 pm and 8 pm; Sundays at 3 pm. Additional Matinee: Wednesday, March 13th at 2 pm.